Saturday, September 12, 2009

Today was my "pity party" day!
This week has been tough for many reasons - it seems like everything I have ever done
(for at least the last 15 years) has been questioned.
Given that, I am feeling a little "blue" and it's raining besides!
I feel a little "beaten up" - I am hoping tomorrow is better!!
There are some shadows on the images - that means there is some sun!!
On the bright (?) side, my grandmother's famous saying, "It could always be worse."
Somehow that never made me feel better.


  1. I really like how you isolated parts of a (lovely blue) car! Sorry you had a bad day...but looking at the bright side, it DID make an interesting post! :-)'s skies are much brighter...I hope your day is as well!!!!!!!! :-)

  2. Good attitude to remember that the next day has potential of being better. Nice symbolism.

  3. we all have those days!
    you are right though,it could be worse doesn't help in the moment:)
    hope you are feeling better.
