Monday, October 5, 2009

Another rainbow!!!! - Unfortunately these pictures do not do it justice!


  1. When I was cooking dinner tonight, my husband mentioned that there was a rainbow. I grabbed my camera and went outside, but I guess it was already on the wane because I could barely see it. Good for you for getting it.

  2. BEAUTIFUL!!! You were quicker than me. I was cleaning up the kitchen when I happened to glance out the window and saw that lovely rainbow. I dropped everything...grabbed a jacket, my camera, and tripod and dashed outside. But by the time I set up the tripod, the rainbow had faded. I barely got one shot when it disappeared completely. Great job on being faster on the shutter button than me. These are really lovely shots!!! :-)

  3. I don't think Ive ever photographed a rainbow...nice job as I imagine you have to be fast!! Nice job and keep posting!

  4. The last shot DOES look awesome..You actually saw where it ended ..Looks like gold to me
