Saturday, April 11, 2009

Someday I will learn! I spent all of yesterday running last minute errands, cleaning the house and baking rolls because I wanted everything "perfect"! As the rolls came out of the oven, I grabbed my camera for a quick picture and then thought I would post it later. At about 3:00 this morning, I remembered I had not posted my picture. Then, very early this morning, as I was mentally making my list of things to do today, I spotted this figurine (below) on my hutch. It reminds me of my kids when they were younger and how much more important it is to spend time with them and not worry so much about trying to make things "perfect". We all know that nothing we do is perfect, and the only thing I managed to do was make myself a little more stressed. So, my list for today is to watch a movie with my daughter. I wish you all a good week-end and some time to enjoy it!


  1. Not the only also managed some tasty rolls, a reflecting life moment, and a great memory with your daughter. Great sentiments:)

  2. the rolls look great!
    i hope you had a pleasant day with your daughter.

  3. Awesome images to go along with the text. The rolls look yummy, but the statue struck a cord in my heart too. Glad you took time out to be with your daughter--that's what will go in her memory-bank more than the clean house.

  4. Beautiful writing and lovely images. Glad you took some time off to spend with your daughter!!!

  5. Yum...nice photos and sentiments to along with them. Have a great Easter! All those rolls? You must be having a division of the army over?
