Sunday, September 20, 2009

Another missed opportunity - Not if I can help it!
Last year this tree was just beautiful with shades of orange and golden yellows and I never got a picture. Every day I would be "too busy" to get the camera and take the picture. Not this year. I am going to take a picture of this tree once a week and watch as the color changes and hope that it is just as glorious as last year.


  1. What a great idea! I hope when you finish, you'll create a collage of all your weekly images...and share it with us!

    I love the pretty blue sky with a few scattered clouds...a perfect way to start your series! :-)

  2. Great idea. Once the leaves begin to change color, you might just have to take photos every day. The last part of the change happens soooo quickly. I'll be looking forward to the documentation.

  3. What a terrific idea. I agree with Trish, I hope a collage is coming at the end.
